Mentorship Program

Transition into an ophthalmology residency program requires a resident to ‘start over’ in many ways. The practice of ophthalmology requires a different thought process, a new skill set and even mastery of a unique language compared to a resident’s previous training in medical school or internship. The requirement for instant immersion in our field can create tension especially when coupled with a recent move to a new apartment or house in a new city and arrival in a new hospital system. The mentorship program was created to assist residents during this period of potential stress.


  • The program allows residents to obtain objective and confidential advice from an assigned mentor in their first year of residency.
  • The mentors will provide guidance and counsel on performance expectations and concerns.
  • The mentors will foster professional interest and career path development.
  • The mentors will act as a sounding board for other professional and/or personal issues.


  • Mentors and residents should meet at least once per quarter.
  • Ad hoc meetings/discussions can be requested at any time.
  • Both the mentor and the resident will sign a confidentiality contract in the first meeting establishing relationship. Issues discussed between the mentor and resident mentee will not ever be part of the resident’s academic record.
  • Evaluation forms (attached below) will be completed at the end of the year to assess areas of success and improvement.
  • Mentorship relationships may be continued optionally for the second and third year and residents have the option to choose new mentor at any time.
