- Understand different parameters on phaco machines
- Learn each step of phaco from sculpt to cortex removal
- Learn differences in settings for each step
- Practice different nuclear disassembly techniques
- Anterior vitrectomy
Reading Materials:
- Machine Overview, Foot Pedal, Irrigating Bottle, Flow Pumps: Overview and Peristaltic Pump, Direct Control of Flow and Indirect Control of Vacuum 15-36 (pdf), Book pgs 2-23, Ultrasound Overview pg 121-126 (pdf), Book pgs 108-113
- Overview of Phaco Methods, Sculpting Angle of Attack, Minimum Groove Width, Posterior Groove, Judging Groove Depth, Peripheral Groove, pg 220-233 (pdf), Book pgs 208-221
- Other stations: Wound construction, Capsulorhexis, Corneal wound suturing, possible IOL explanting, possible intraocular suturing, ICL implantation (6/9)
- Phacodynamics