Neuro-Ophthalmology Clinical Anatomy (Visual Fields)

Objectives: Upon completion of this conference the resident/student should be able to

  • Define the visual field and describe the characteristics of the normal visual field
  • Describe the different kinds of visual field testing and their properties
  • Describe the anatomy of the afferent pathways of vision
  • Identify visual defects related to dysfunction of the
    • retina
    • optic nerve
    • optic chiasm
    • optic tracts
    • lateral geniculate nucleus
    • optic radiations
    • visual cortex
  • Identify visual defects related to functional visual loss

Assignment: There is no single chapter in the BCSC Neuro-ophthalmology book that covers this material. Sections in the BCSC that will be useful for preparing for this conference include

  • Chapter 1: Neuro-ophthalmic anatomy , Section on "Afferent Visual Pathways"
  • Chapter 3: The patient with decreased vision: Evaluation
    • Section on "Evaluation", subsection "Visual Fields"
  • Chapter 4: The patient with decreased vision: Classification and Management
    • Section on "Optic Neuropathy", subsection "Visual Field Patterns"
    • Section on "Optic Neuropathy", Table 4-1 "Perimetric Terms"
    • Section on "Chiasmal Lesions"
    • Section on "Retrochiasmal Lesions"
  • Chapter 13: The patient with functional visual disorders, Section "Examination Techniques", Subsection "Visual Field Defect"

Altogether this doesn't add up to a large amount of reading.
I've posted my slides at
I prepared my slides and took the diagrams from Neuro-ophthalmology Review Manual by Lanning Kline and Frank Bajandas. I highly recommend this book.