K-Pro Epi Defect

 Clear central optic of KPro, all remaining sutures intact, no infiltrate. inferior epith defect still present 1.5x3.5mm. mild peripheral opacification of optic


1. Repeat KPro in Boston 9/4/09 for dense prosthetic membrane-- inf sutures were loose and removed at last visit; S/p Botox injection RLL for focal spastic entropion  1/15/10

--inferior portion of graft still with epith defect and non-healing. Sutures have all cheesewired through this area. 2 add'l loose sutures removed today

--Hx of persistant inferior Epi defect  

--BCL remained in place! - removed, cleaned and replaced today

--Cont serum drops 8x/day

--Cont vanco qd and vigamox qid OD (per Dr. Dohlman)

--Cont doxy 100mg po q day

--Cont Vitamin C 1 gm BID

--needs steroids to prevent further retroprosthetic membrane formation

-- Inf punctal plug in place RLL 0.8mm in size