Clinical Pharmacology


Objectives: Upon completion of this conference the resident/student should have an understanding of medical agents used for the treatment of glaucoma and should be able to


            List the medical agents used for treatment of glaucoma
o    Beta blockers
o    Parasympathomimetic Agents
o    Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
o    Adrenergic Agonists
o    Hypotensive Lipids
o    Combined Medicines
o    Hyperosmotic Agents
            and for each agent describe the
o    Mechanism of action
o    Dosing indications and basic pharmacokinetics
o    Ocular side effects
o    Systemic side effects
            Describe the general approach to medical treatment with regard to
o    Open angle glaucoma
o    Angle-closure glaucoma
o    Compliance
o    Pregnancy

Assignment: Please read Chapter 7 Medical Management of Glaucoma in the Glaucoma book from the BCSC Series