Suturing Wet Lab

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the physics of corneal wound/incision closure
  • Create and close linear and stellate corneal incisions
  • Perform a penetrating keratoplasty (mainly 3rd years)



  • Pig/goat eyes
  • Super sharp blades
  • Viscoelastic
  • BSS
  • Fine non-locking needle holders
  • 10-0 nylon suture
  • Colibri or straight 0.12 or 0.3 forceps
  • Vannas scissors
  • Tying forceps
  • Vacuum trephine
  • Left and right corneal scissors




1st and 2nd years

  1. Inject some BSS into the anterior chamber of the pig/goat eye to reform the anterior chamber to physiologic turgor. 
  2. Use a blade to create a linear partial thickness incision in the cornea.
  3. Close this incision with 10-0 nylon sutures in an interrupted fashion.
  4. Repeat process with a full thickness linear incision as well as a stellate (Mercedes sign) full thickness incision.
  5. Reform the anterior chamber with BSS to confirm that wound is free of leakage.  


2nd and 3rd years

  1. Inject some BSS or water into the anterior chamber of the pig/goat eye to reform the anterior chamber to physiologic turgor (makes for easier paracentesis incision).
  2. Create a paracentesis incision with a 15 degree blade.  
  3. Fill anterior chamber with viscoelastic.  
  4. Trephine the cornea with the vacuum trephine.  
  5. Excise corneal button with left and right corneal scissors.
  6. Re-suture corneal button back in PKP fashion

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